INSPIRE at the Battelle Sediments Conference 2017
The INSPIRE team is gearing up for a week of presenting our research and connecting with our clients, colleagues, and friends in New Orleans. We’ll be at the Ninth International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments, presented by Battelle from Tuesday through Friday, January 10-13.
Dr. S. Kersey Sturdivant will be presenting findings of research undertaken following the Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of Mexico. His talk will take place on Tuesday at 1:50 pm in Grand Ballroom E.
Animal-Sediment Response to and Recovery from the Deepwater Horizon Accident: A Worm’s Eye View.
J.D. Germano, D.G. Browning, S.K. Sturdivant, and D.A. Carey. (INSPIRE Environmental/USA)
John Hardin will be presenting in poster group 2 at the Long-Term Monitoring Strategies poster session (A11 #33). John’s poster will be displayed from Wednesday 7:00 a.m. through Thursday 1:00 p.m. Presentations/Reception will take place Wednesday, 5:45 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
Short- and Long-Term Recovery of Benthic Communities Following Dredge Material Disposal: A Case Study of the LA-3 Dredged Disposal Site.
S.K. Sturdivant, J.D. Germano, D.A. Carey, J. Hardin, and A. Ota. (INSPIRE Environmental/USA)
If you are in New Orleans this week, please get in touch. We’d love to see you!
Those who are interested in learning more about INSPIRE Environmental have another chance to meet our scientists at the Oceanology International Conference 2017, from February 14 – 16 in San Diego, CA. INSPIRE will be exhibiting a booth, and Dr. Drew A. Carey will present a talk on the importance data visualization.
Learn more about this event by clicking here.