Monitoring Marine Dredged Materials

Disposal Area Monitoring System (DAMOS) - New England, USA
Monitoring Marine Dredged Materials

The Disposal Area Monitoring System (DAMOS) Program is managed by the New England District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  The DAMOS Program has collected and evaluated data on dredged material placement throughout New England since 1977. In partnership with the Corps, INSPIRE scientists have participated in DAMOS monitoring throughout that time, conducting assessments that have inspired the development of a nationally-recognized monitoring and management program for aquatic dredged material disposal. INSPIRE staff have made key advances in effective resource management techniques for dredged material disposal, including capping and confined aquatic disposal through the use of of SPI, tiered monitoring strategies, and integrating results from precision acoustic surveys with traditional sediment sampling and optical survey techniques.

INSPIRE scientists are recognized experts on assessing the effects of dredged material placement in coastal waters and specialize in dredged material management. Helping to define the next generation of management strategies for the Central Long Island Sound Disposal Site (CLDS), INSPIRE scientists recently leveraged this expertise in combination with a comprehensive and statistically sound sampling plan to support decision-making at the Corps and EPA.  The results of this project will define management strategies at CLDS going forward.

During support of the DAMOS Program, INSPIRE scientists have contributed to over 150 technical reports that establish a scientific record of monitoring results used throughout the world. 

Selected Site Reports
