INSPIRE Heads to WEDA Pacific
INSPIRE Project Scientist Marisa Guarinello is headed to Hawai’i, where she will be talking Sediment Profile Imaging (SPI), sediment, and dredged material ecosystems impacts.
Marisa Guarinello will be presenting at the WEDA Pacific Chapter Fall 2018 conference in Honolulu, HI, at the Hilton Waikiki. She will present her talk, “Imagery reveals confounding factors in evaluation of dredged material at the Nawiliwili ODMDS off the coast of Kauai”, during the Wednesday October 24 afternoon session on Environmental/Beneficial Use; she presents on behalf of Allan Ota (US EPA Region 9), Brian Ross (US EPA Region 9), Scott Libby (Battelle), and Drew Carey (INSPIRE). Reach her here to connect before the conference!