INSPIRE at the Battelle Sediments Conference 2019
The INSPIRE Team is headed to New Orleans!
We are attending Battelle’s Tenth International Conference on Remediation and Management of Contaminated Sediments on February 11-14. Principal Scientist Kersey Sturdivant will present a paper co-written with INSPIRE founder, Joe Germano titled, Trapped in Plato’s Cave: Benthic Indices and the Illusion of Objectivity. Kersey is also chairing an exciting session on Data Visualization.
INSPIRE’s Marisa Guarinello will be presenting recent projects that demonstrate the utility of Sediment Profile and Plan View Imaging as a sediment management tool. Steve Sabo will also be demonstrating our innovative data visualization tools to interested conference-goers.
This biannual conference is attended by over 1,000 scientists, engineers, regulators, remediation site owners, and environmental professionals, representing universities, government agencies, consultants, and R&D and service firms from over 20 countries. The technical scope for the 2019 Sediments Conference focuses on emerging issues and initiatives in sediments remediation and management.